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Black rocks

Oil painting on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Unique work, signed

Rupture de stock

What are the delivery times?

For orders placed online from France, works are dispatched within 3 to 15 days. All works exhibited in the Gallery are available directly, except during personal exhibition periods.
For urgent orders, please contact us by telephone on 01 45 24 73 00.

How do I make a return?

Galerie Durst allows you to return your artwork free of charge within 15 days of receipt. To do so, you will need to pack the work according to our instructions and contact our customer service department ( so that we can arrange return transport under the same safe conditions as for the outward journey. We will send you a return slip and a carrier will come to your home to collect the work. You will receive a full refund of the purchase price. You are responsible for shipping and return costs.

Frequently asked questions

Which countries do we deliver to?
We deliver worldwide.
How can we guarantee the authenticity of the works?
All works are delivered with their certificate of authenticity.
Can I see the work in real life before buying it on the site?
Yes, we have the strength of a physical gallery (15 rue de la Tour 75116 Paris) where we welcome you to discover the works of our artists, advise you and guide you in your choice.
How do I place a special order?
For special requests, please contact
Are the works sold framed?
On the presentation sheets for each work, the presence of a frame is specified. If this is not the case, framing is not provided and is your responsibility.
Will I have to pay customs duties?
For all deliveries within the European Union, no customs duties apply, so you won't have to pay any customs fees. For all deliveries outside the European Union, customs duties may apply depending on the country.
How long does repayment take?
Once we have received your package, give us a few days and we will inform you when the refund has been processed, between one week and 10 days after the date of receipt of the return. We advise you to keep your tracking number.
Do you have any questions about this work? Contact us
Marie-Astrid Grivet

Marie-Astrid Grivet grew up in a family of artists and art collectors. She was therefore trained from an early age in the notions of beauty, aesthetics and, more generally, pictorial techniques.

After graduating in management and spending a few years in finance, Marie-Astrid Grivet finally decided to devote herself to her passion, painting.

See his works

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01 45 24 73 00
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